Meet Our Amazing Team Member

Mr. Pradnyesh Salgaonkar

Co-founder and CEO

Co-founder of Wise Counsel, Mr. Pradnyesh Salgaonkar is an outstanding financial planner and a claim expert. He has successfully settled more than 1000 claims in his career spanning over 15 years.

Thorough product knowledge and expertise in need-based selling are his forte. He always has the client’s interest at heart and remains focused on finding solutions to their problems. Negative scenarios do not discourage him. His positive attitude adds to his problem-solving capability.

He handles Financial Planning and Claim Settlement for our clients.

We, at Wise Counsel, are a team of dedicated professionals, having over 42 years of experience in the insurance and financial industry, focused on providing excellent customer service. We are committed to finding positive solutions to insurance issues faced by our clients. Over decades, we have resolved innumerable cases related to insurance grievances by helping our customers succeed in getting their dues in a timely manner.

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